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加拿大维多利亚大学怎麼申请本科?我现在已经是某所大学的本科在读生。但是想转学。 [转校转专业] [加拿大留学] [留学读大学] [商科专业/职业]

  不是修满30 UNITS才可以读本科。维多利亚大学商学院只有一个Bachelor of Commerce (BCom),其他的都是硕士学位。官方网站上上明确说明的是要在前两年修满pre-commerce 30个UNITS的课程;然后后两年再修满30 UNITS课程才可以毕业拿到学位。网站上都有列举:

  Pre-Commerce Courses Including Required Courses

  All students entering the BCom program must complete the required courses shown in the table below prior to entry into the BCom program core. All students are encouraged to consult the University Calendar to meet the prerequisites for the required courses.

  Pre-Commerce Courses Including Required Courses


  1.5 units ECON 103 (Introductory Microeconomics): 1.5 units

  Math 12 is a prerequisite to the above mentioned course


  3 units Applicants must have satisfied the Undergraduate English Requirement.

  Two of ENGL 115, 135, 146 or 147 (or other approved English courses including ENGL 100 level, WRIT 102, or equivalent).


  1.5 units


  1.5 units

  MATH 151 (1.5 units) and STAT 252 (1.5 units) OR

  ECON 245* (1.5 units) and ECON 246* (1.5 units) OR

  STAT 255* (1.5 units) and STAT 256* (1.5 units) OR equivalents.

  * check course descriptions for pre-requisites

  Notes about Math Requirement

  Math 12 is a prerequisite to the above mentioned courses. If Math 120 is taken at UVic as a Math 12 equivalent, it will not be counted as 1.5 units of Other Math as described below.

  It is recognized that students transferring from other institutions may have different combinations of Math and Statistics courses. At a minimum, students must have 3.0 units of courses in the Math and Statistics area. The following are acceptable:

  One course in Business Statistics (1.5 units), and one other Math course (1.5 units) which may not include Pre-Calculus, Pre-Calculus Math or Pre-Calculus Algebra, or Math for Elementary Education. Acceptable topics for other Math courses include Linear Algebra, Business Math, Math for Economics, among others. A minimum transfer credit of 100-level Math must be awarded for the other Math courses.

  Students who select the ECON 245 and ECON 246 or the STAT 255 and STAT 256 combinations can satisfy both the statistics requirements (1.5 units) and the other math requirement (1.5 units).

  Decisions regarding the appropriateness of Math and Statistics courses are at the discretion of the Faculty.

  Additional Course Requirements for International Students COM 206C: Business English and Communications (or equivalent)

  COM 290: Introduction to Canadian Business

  Note that decisions regarding the appropriateness of equivalent courses are at the discretion of the faculty.

  Computer Literacy: Applicants must have demonstrated competence in the use of word processing, database and spreadsheet software packages (such as Microsoft Office).

  Courses in other disciplines to make up 30 units of Pre-Commerce work Non-Business courses in other disciplines to make up 30 units of Pre-Commerce course work (maximum of 4.5 units of Commerce course work). COM 220, 240, 250, 270 may not be used as Pre-Commerce course work.

  Students may wish to consider including courses in languages, other cultures and other political or economic systems.

  Notes about Language Requirement

  Students who intend to specialize in the International Business specializations are required to complete a minimum of 3.0 units of a foreign language as part of their Pre-Commerce course work. Students who intend to apply to participate in an academic exchange through the INTEP program, please see description regarding language requirements under the INTEP entry.

  In addition to the above, highly recommended courses include:

  ECON 205: Managerial Economics

  ENGL 225: Technical Communications: Written and Verbal

  ES 200: Introduction to Environmental Studies

  FA 101: Creative Being

  IB 218: International Field Study

  MATH 102: Calculus For Students in the Social and Biological Sciences

  EPHE 142: Human Wellness and Potential

  PHIL 201: Applied Logic: I

  PHIL 330: Professional and Business Ethics

  SOCI 100: Introduction to Sociology

  THEA 122: The Acting Experience

  THEA 150: Public Speaking

  One Co-op work term Applicants will need to have completed (or be able to challenge) one co-op work term before entering the program or complete a third co-op term during the program. For details, please see "Co-op Work Term Requirements for Admission".

  (因为百度知道无法粘贴网站,您可以搜索英文的VICTORIA UNIVERSITY,去大学的官方网站查看,要求修的课程都非常清楚)

  2,SUMMER COURSE是指暑假5月到8月开设的课程。

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