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美国营养学专业排名前十位的大学是哪些呢? [选校定位] [各国大学排名] [美国留学]

       Kansas State University|College of Human Ecology  堪萨斯州立大学

  Location: Manhattan, KS

  Degrees: Doctorate, Master's

  Avg. UGrad GPA: Not Reported

  Michigan State University|College of Natural Science 密歇根州立大学

  Location: East Lansing, MI

  Degrees: Doctorate, Master's

  Avg. UGrad GPA: Not Reported

  Middle Tennessee State University|College of Graduate Studies 中田纳西州立大学

  Location: Murfreesboro, TN

  Degrees: Master's

  Avg. UGrad GPA: 3.0

  New York University|The Steinhardt School of Education 纽约大学

  Location: New York, NY

  Degrees: Doctorate, Master's

  Avg. UGrad GPA: 3.3

  Saint Louis University|The Graduate School 圣路易斯大学

  Location: St. Louis, MO

  Degrees: Doctorate, Master's

  Avg. UGrad GPA: Not Reported

  SUNY at Buffalo|School of Public Health and Health Professions 纽约州立大学布法罗分校

  Location: Buffalo, NY

  Degrees: Master's, Professional

  Avg. UGrad GPA: 3.3

  The Ohio State University - Columbus|College of Human Ecology 俄亥俄州立大学哥伦布分校

  Location: Columbus, OH

  Degrees: Doctorate, Master's

  Avg. UGrad GPA: 3.5

  The University of Memphis|College of Education 孟菲斯大学

  Location: Memphis, TN

  Degrees: Master's

  Avg. UGrad GPA: Not Reported

  University of Bridgeport Nutrition Institute 桥港大学

  Location: Bridgeport, CT

  Degrees: Master's

  Avg. UGrad GPA: 3.0

  University of British Columbia|Faculty of Agricultural Sciences 英属哥伦比亚大学

  Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, BC

  Degrees: Doctorate, Master's

  Avg. UGrad GPA: Not Reported

  University of Missouri - Columbia|College of Human Environmental Sciences 密苏里大学

  Location: Columbia, MO

  Degrees: Doctorate, Master's

  Avg. UGrad GPA: Not Reported

  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill|School of Public Health 北卡罗来纳大学

  Location: Chapel Hill, NC

  Degrees: Doctorate, Master's, Professional

  Avg. UGrad GPA: 3.5

  University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point|College of Professional Studies 威斯康星大学斯蒂芬斯角分校

  Location: Stevens Point, WI

  Degrees: Master's

  Avg. UGrad GPA: 3.5

  Washington State University|College of Agriculture, Human, and Natural Resources 华盛顿州立大学

  Location: Pullman, WA

  Degrees: Master's

  Avg. UGrad GPA: Not Reported

  Wayne State University|College of Science 韦恩州立大学

  Location: Detroit, MI

  Degrees: Doctorate, Master's

  Avg. UGrad GPA: Not Reported

  Winthrop University|College of Arts & Sciences 温索普大学

  Location: Rock Hill, SC

  Degrees: Master's

  Avg. UGrad GPA: Not Reported

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