The three-term Certificate of Higher Education in Business is designed for students seeking entry into the second year of undergraduate degrees in specific subject areas offered at the University of Essex. Certificate HE students study subjects equivalent to those studied in the first year of an Essex degree in the subject area they have chosen. Due to the intensive nature of the course, Certificate of HE students begin their studies in October and go through to July. Class sizes on the course are kept small, enabling each student to receive personalised attention and support with their studies.
适合专业:会计、金融和管理、国际企业创业学(Accounting, Finance and Management; International Entrepreneurship and Innovation)
语言要求:IELTS 5.5(写作成绩不低于5分);TOEFL 70
入学时间及学费:3学期课程,10月开课 学费:£11,750