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求f1签证学习计划样本及中文翻译。(1) [签证材料] [美国留学] [签证类型]
    Study plan范例1:


  Many scholars consider the Economy as the basic structureof society and the motive power of history. In any event, no one in the world can stay away from the effect of economy.

  It was with this observation that I chose Economics as my major when I was admitted to People’s University.

  Since graduation in July 2000, I have been working as an assistant with the Council for Economic Planning and

  Development, Executive Zhang. This position enabled me to realize how important the government’s economic plans are to people’s livelihood. And I feel that the Government of the

  PRC has done a good job in this regard. In recent years, industry and commerce have developed by leaps and bounds.

  In order to make greater contribution to the economic development of this country, I wish to further my study in the field of Economics, working toward a Master’s degree at first, and then, if possible, toward a doctoral degree.

  After completing the studies, I plan to return to China and Seek a teaching position in an institution higher learning.






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