以下是从加拿大移民局官w的资料收集的,你也可以自己去查呀:post-graduation work permit 完成至少2年制的大专(或以上)课程,毕业后可以获得3年的工作签证,全职工作一年可以通过经验类别获得移民身份。1年制的课程毕业,只能申请获得一年的工作签证,需要合法工作两年后才能申请经验类移民。
不够两年的课程: 如果读了一年半就给你一年半,按实际长度给
CIC官w上关于post graduation work permit的说明-
If you studied for less than two years but more than eight months,you may get a work
permit for a period no longer than the length of time you studied (for example, if you studied
for ninemonths, a work permit may be issued for a period of nine months), two years or more a work permit may be issued for three years
* Full-time studies – To be eligible, you must have been considered “full-time” at your school.
* Two years of study – At least 16 months-or four semesters-within the 24 months before
completing a full-time post-secondary program of study in Canada.