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柏林自由大学设有什么学院? [留学读大学] [德国留学]

  生物,化学,医药学院 - Department of Biology, Chemistry, and Pharmacy

  教育学与心理学学院 - Department of Education and Psychology

  地球科学学院 - Department of Earth Sciences

  历史与文化学学院 - Department of History and Cultural Studies

  数学与计算机科学学院 - Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

  哲学与文学学院 - Department of Philosophy and Humanities

  物理学院 - Department of Physics

  政治学与社会学学院 - Department of Political and Social Sciences

  法律学院 - Department of Law

  动物医学院 - Department of Veterinary Medicine

  经济学学院 - Department of Business and Economics

  柏林夏瑞蒂医学院 - Charité - Berlin School of Medicine (a joint institution of the Freie Universitaet Berlin and the Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin)

  Central Institutes

  Institute for East European StudiesInstitute for Latin American StudiesJohn F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies

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