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英国莱切斯特大学出过哪些热门学者? [留学读大学] [英国留学]


  Notable academics:

  Khurshid Ahmad, Islamic scholar

  Lyman Andrews, American Studies

  Isobel Armstrong, scholar of nineteenth-century poetry and women's writing

  Graeme Barker, Disney Professor of Archaeology, scholar of University of Cambridge

  Richard Bonney, historian

  Alan Bryman, social scientist

  Nilesh Samani, medical specialist

  Chris Clarkson, prominent criminal lawyer, specialising in Corporate Liability

  Philip Cottrell, economic and financial historian

  Heather Couper, astronomer and television presenter

  Nicholas J. Cull, US historian

  Gabriel Dover, geneticist

  Eric Dunning, sports sociologist

  Christopher Dyer, medieval historian

  Colin Eaborn FRS, chemist

  Norbert Elias, German sociologist

  Brian J. Ford, scientist, visiting professor

  G. S. Fraser, Scottish poet

  Anthony Giddens, prominent sociologist, taught social psychology at Leicester

  Reuben Goodstein, mathematician, proponent of Goodstein's theorem

  Cosmo Graham, Public law and Competition law specialist, Member of the Competition Commission

  Jeffrey A. Hoffman, NASA astronaut and physicist

  Richard Hoggart, sociologist

  W. G. Hoskins, local historian, author of The Making of the English Landscape

  Norman Housley, crusading historian

  Leonard Huxley, physicist

  Sir Alec Jeffreys, geneticist, inventor of genetic fingerprinting

  Hans Kornberg, biochemist

  Philip Larkin, librarian and poet

  David Mattingly, Roman archaeologist

  John McManners, former Head of History Dept., Regius Professor of History at the University of Oxford

  Ken Pounds, Emeritus Professor of Physics, discovered black holes were common in the universe Charles Rees, organic chemist

  Lord Rees of Ludlow, the Astronomer Royal, visiting professor at Leicester

  J.B. Schneewind, philosophy professor, Johns Hopkins University

  Malcolm Shaw QC, prominent international lawyer & jurist

  Sir Robert Jennings, professor of International Law

  Brian Simon, professor of education

  Sami Zubaida, political scientist

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