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金三角名校是指哪三所大学? [留学读大学] [英国留学]

  金三角名校是指英国东南部的三间名校,即牛津大学、剑桥大学和伦敦大学 (UCL KCL IC LSE)。三个学校在英国的学术研究经费中占了很大比例,因此取名为“金”。

  The "Golden Triangle" is a term used to describe a number of leading Britishresearch universitiesbased in London,Oxford,and Cambridge.

  The University ofCambridge in the city of Cambridgeand the University of Oxford in the city of Oxfordform two corners of the triangle. The third geographic point is London,represented by the following constituent colleges of the University ofLondon - UniversityCollege London, The London School ofEconomics and Political Science and King's CollegeLondon, as well as a former college - Imperial CollegeLondon (Imperial College London left the University of London on 8July 2007).

  Higher Education Research Funding for England (2007-08)

  SNUniversityfunding (£,000)

  01University of Cambridge107,058

  02University of Oxford104,204

  03University College London101,333

  04Imperial College London91,800

  05University of Manchester76,994

  06King's College London58,401

  07University of Leeds47,243

  08University of Southampton46,530

  09University of Sheffield43,895

  10University of Bristol43,192

  KING`S 在中国国内被低估. 在选校过程中,由于各大排名的诱导,使得未到英国的学生常常将时间浪费在:将不同级别的大学作比较,而无法选择的困境. 多数人都会觉得King`s的学费过高,语言要求过于苛刻,而看国内排名却在10名以外徘徊。

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