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有美国签证被拒后申诉信模板吗? [签证材料] [留学拒签] [美国留学]

  Dear Visa Officer,

  My F-1 visa application was rejected on June 26, 2002. The Visa Officer told me that my major is “management”, so I do not need to pursue a Ph.D. degree. I believe that the rejection was due to misunderstanding of my major.

  1. What is Management Science? Why I need a Ph.D.?

  Management Science also can be called Operations Research. It is to solve management problems and optimize operations by scientific methods such as mathematics, statistics and computer science. It is to help the manager to make scientific decision by quantitative methods. My career plan is to become a TOP ONE professor in this area in China. Management Science originates in US. A US Ph.D. degree is an important credential to realize my dream. The University of Texas at Austin’s Management Science has been ranking top 3 in the States for many years. Such a degree can provide me with the most advanced theory, rigorous academic training and modern research methodology.

  2. Why I will come back?

  After graduation, I will come back to my School of Economics & Management to be a professor in Tsinghua University. My reasons to come back are:

  1) Several leading Chinese business schools already can provide me with adecent position and high salary, generally with a starting salary about 20,000 RMB per month for associate professor. That’s nearly USD 40,000 a year after bonus. Besides, I can get quicker promotions in China.

  2) It will be a right time to come back to China when I graduate in 2006.According to the government’s reports, Chinese universities will admit 15,000 MBA from a 60,000-applicant’s pool this year and accept 3,000 more each year later. That is to say, in 2006 the number will climb up to 27,000 from a pool of 135,000. So to be a professor in Chinese business school will be very promising. I’d like to train domestic MBA to help develop China econo my more effective and robust by using scientific management methods. I won't be silly to give up such opportunities.

  3) Unlike other major, Management Science is not only pure theory. As a bu siness major, the culture background is crucial to perform research in this arena. China is the best place to develop my career as a professor in business. I have studied here, worked here and lived here for so many years. I can easily understand the operations of Chinese corporations. Because of the language and culture gap, it will be very hard to get a proper academic position in American business schools. There is little room for me to develop my career in the States.

  I sincerely hope that you will reconsider my situation and grant the F-1 visa for me to attend the University of Texas at Austin. Your favorable consid eration will be highly appreciated.

  With best regards!

  Sincerely yours,


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