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谁有深圳英国签证中心证明信模板? [中国深圳] [签证材料] [英国留学]


  The Home Office

  To Whom It May Concern

  19th February 2009

  I confirm that *** was enrolled on a programme of study at this institution (as detailed below) during academic year 2007/08 (1 August 2007 to 30 September 2008).

  *** was awarded an MA in Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching on 19/1/2009.

  Name : *** Date of Birth:**/**/**

  Student ID : 1234567 Level : Postgraduate Taught

  Mode of Study : Full-time Year of Study: Year 1

  Programme of Study : App Ling for Lang Teaching

  Study Commencement date: 02 October 2007

  We can confirm that the qualification is above the level of a United Kingdom Bachelor Degree.


  Postgraduate Administrator

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