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英国留学去上海英国签证中心签证需要哪些材料? [中国上海] [签证材料] [英国留学]


  PART ONE Main Documents for Visa Application 个人基本材料

  1. Application form of VISA 签证申请表VAF1

  2. Student questionnaire 学生问题表格

  3. Passport 护照(原件、首页复印件)

  4. Three passport photographs

  5. Offer of university 学校录取通知单(原件、复印件)

  6. Study plan in UK 学习计划

  7. Graduation Diploma 毕业证书(原件、翻译件、复印件)

  8. Certificate for Bachelor’s degree 学士学位证书(原件、翻译件、复印件)

  9. Undergraduate academic transcript 本科成绩单(英文件即可)

  10. IELTS test report form 雅思成绩单(原件、复印件)

  PART TWO Finance Supporting Documents

  1. Letter of Financial Supporting 父母的经济担保信(原件、翻译件)

  2. My father’s employment and income certificate, and the copy of the Announcement of his employment 父亲的在职和收入证明,以及他的上级任职通知文件(不是必需)(原件、翻译件、复印件)

  3. My mother’s employment and income certificate, and the copy of the Announcement of her employment 母亲的在职和收入证明,以及她的上级任职通知文件(同上)

  4. The duplicate copy of the Business License of my mother’s company 母亲公司的营业执照副本(原件、翻译件、复印件)

  5. The Financial Audit Form of my mother’s company 母亲公司的财务报表(原件、翻译件、复印件)

  6. The detailed List of my Funds 我的资金详细列表

  7. N copies of Certificates of Deposit records N份存款证明(原件、复印件)

  8. N copies of Fixed Deposit receipts N份定期存单(原件、复印件)

  9. N Bank Saving Account Passbooks, N Fund card and the Bank Statement N本银行定活一本通,N张基金卡及其银行对帐单(原件、复印件)

  10. My parents’ Lift Insurance invoices 父母的人身保险发票(原件、复印件)

  PART THREE Auxiliary Documents

  1. Household Register and my residence registration in Shanghai Jiao Tong University 户口本和我的集体户籍证明(原件、翻译了的复印件)

  2. My ID card copy 我的身份证复印件

  3. My parents’ ID cards copy 我父母的身份证复印件

  4. House Property ownership certificate 房产证(原件、翻译了的复印件)

  5. Certificate for the Use of State-owned Land 国有土地使用证(原件、翻译了的复印件)

  6. Printed copies of the web pages of the university those contain the information of tuition fee and living cost 包含学费生活费信息的学校网页打印件

  7. The booklet of the detailed course arrangement 详细课程安排小册子

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