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新GRE OG三套阅读理解复习资料word下载

新GRE OG三套阅读理解复习资料word下载
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  楷维留学指南分享新GRE官方指南OG三套阅读理解复习资料word下载,内容为新GRE(GRE revised) OG中的阅读梯度练习。

  Questions 6 and 7 are based on the following reading passage.

  While most scholarship on women’s employment in the United States recognizes that the Second World War (1939–1945) dramatically changed the role of women in the workforce, these studies also acknowledge that few women remained in manufacturing jobs once men returned from the war..........


  The first sentence states that the Second World War led to significant changes in women’s employment, but that these changes were largely reversed in manufacturing after the war. The second sentence discusses the fact that unlike in other industries, employment of women in agriculture was more permanent........

  6. It can be inferred from the passage that the manufacturing and agricultural sectors in the United States following the Second World War differed in which of the following respects?

  A The rate of expansion in each sector

  B The percentage of employees in each sector who were men

  C The trend in the wages of men employed in each sector



  The correct choice for this question is Choice B. We are told that few women remained in the manufacturing sector once men returned from the war, while the number of women who worked in agriculture increased after the war as the number of men in agriculture decreased.............

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