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Peterson-Master the SSAT & ISEE超新版免费下载

Peterson-Master the SSAT & ISEE超新版免费下载
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  楷维留学指南提供由Peterson出版的的Master the SSAT & ISEE:Prep for Students and Parents。SSAT考试在备考的时候一定不能掉以轻心,参考相关的书籍熟练的应用技巧会有更多帮助。

  The guide for students AND parents! Master the SSAT & ISEE provides all the prep needed to score higher on the SSAT and ISEE: up-to-date information on the tests, hundreds of practice questions and four full-length practice tests (all with detailed answer explanations), and solid test-taking advice. Also includes guidance for parents on selecting, applying, and paying for private school, as well as "Private Schools at-a-Glance" state-by-state chart with data on more than 1,000 private secondary schools to aid in the search for the right private school.

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