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  Task 1: Many schools require their students to complete at least 40 hours of community service. Do you agree or disagree with this requirement? Use specific details and examples to support your opinion.

  Response tips:

  观点 I definitely support this requirement for the following reasons.

  理由一 Volunteering is a great way to teacher young people responsibility and values. Although 40 hours might seem like a lot, it just adds up to a few hours each week. By requiring students to complete community service such as nursing or cleaning, they will better understand the needs of their city and learn how to work cooperatively.

  理由二 The experience of doing community service helps students to learn about the surroundings. Most of the time students are well protected from the society. This leads to students being detached from social surroundings. However, being engaged in community service could provide them with the chance to be more informed of the outside world.

  总结 Anyway, what community service teaches students could never be obtained from the class.

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