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北美托福资料之Strategies for Raising Your TOEFL Speaking Score

北美托福资料之Strategies for Raising Your TOEFL Speaking Score
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About the TOEFL Test

For nearly 50 years, the TOEFL test has been the most widely accepted English-language assessment in the world. The assessment measures an individual’s ability to use and understand English and evaluates how well an individual is able to integrate listening, reading, speaking and writing skills.

The TOEFL test is recognized by more than 8,500 institutions in more than 130 countries including Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States. Globally, the TOEFL test is available at more than 4,500 testing sites in more than 165 countries. To date, more than 27 million students around the world have taken the TOEFL test.

Strategies for Raising Your TOEFL Speaking Score

The TOEFL iBT Speaking section is designed to evaluate the English speaking proficiency of students like you whose native language is not English but who want to pursue undergraduate or graduate study in an English-speaking context. Like all the other sections of the TOEFL iBT, the Speaking section is delivered via computer.

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