楷维留学指南分享Family Album U.S.A. 《走遍美国》讲解材料,供大家下载使用。更多托福资料请关注楷维留学指南托福考试频道。
《走遍美国》(台译《欢乐美语》)(FamilyAlbumU.S.A.)是一套在大陆畅销数百万册、在全球35个国家同步使用的生活化美语教材。该教材所采用的"电视影集"式的组织形式,是在向全球105个国家的英语教学者广泛咨询后决定的,电视剧情节感人,能吸引学习者的兴趣。《走遍美国》电视影集代表了国际超高制作水平,它的编剧兼导演WilliamGreeves,以及动画制作群 DovetailGroup都曾几度荣获艾美奖,所有演员都是优秀的专业演员,他们美语发音清晰、体态语言丰富,效果远远超出了一般所谓的"情景会话"教材。
Welcome to Family Album, USA, the exciting new American television series created to inspire English learning around the world. In 78 episodes, you will experience English in action and learn more about American culture. Family Album,USA, is for everyone who has studied English for at least one. year and wants to improve his or her understanding of the language.
Each television episode tells a story about the Stewarts, a typical situations, and you American family living in New York. You will see the family in everyday will share many experiences as you hear English spoken naturally.