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满分GRE Argument写作范文赏析(Argument160)

满分GRE Argument写作范文赏析(Argument160)
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下载次数: 492
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楷维留学指南分享为大家整理的GRE Argument(范文+解析),希望对广大考生有帮助。


The following appeared in a recommendation from the president of Schenectady's Chamber of Commerce:

"Last October the city of Belleville installed high intensity lighting in its central business district and vandalism there declined almost immediately. The city of Schenectady has recently begun police patrols on bicycles in its business district but the rate of vandalism there remains constant. Since high intensity lighting is apparently the most effective way to combat vandalism, we should install such lighting throughout Schenectady. By reducing vandalism in this way, we can revitalize the declining neighborhoods in our city."

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