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  综合推理全称Integrated Reasoning,简称IR。该部分的考试时间为30分钟,由12道题组成。IR一共有四种题型,分别分:Graphics Interpretation 图表解析,Two-Part Analysis 联立分析,Table Analysis 表格分析,Multi-Source Reasoning 多源推理。

  Graphic Interpretation 图表解析




  Refer to the pictograph of a survey of students at Central Community College. Each symbol represents 10 students in a sample of 300.

  Use the drop-down menus to complete each statement according to the information presented in the diagram.

  If one student is selected at random from the 300 surveyed, the chance that the student will be under 30 or a high school graduate or both is (?)

  If one student is selected at random from the 300 surveyed, the chance that the student will be both under 30 and a high school graduate is(?)

  Two-Part Analysis 联立分析



  The Quasi JX is a new car model. Under ideal driving conditions, the Quasi JX’s fuel economy is E kilometers per liter ( E ) when its driving speed is constant at S kilometers per hour (S  )

  In terms of the variables S and E , select the expression that represents the number of liters of fuel used in 1 hour of driving under ideal driving conditions at a constant speed S , and select the expression that represents the number of liters of fuel used in a 60 km drive under ideal driving conditions at a constant speed S . Make only two selections, one in each column.


  Table Analysis 表格分析



  The table displays data on Brazilian agricultural products in 2009.







  For each of the following statements, select Yes if the statement can be shown to be true based on the information in the table. Otherwise select No .

  No individual country produces more than one-fourth of the world’s sugar——Yes /No

  If Brazil produces less than 20% of the world’s supply of any commodity listed in the table, Brazil is not the world’s top exporter of that commodity——Yes /No

  Of the commodities in the table for which Brazil ranks first in world exports, Brazil produces more than 20% of the world’s supply——Yes /No

  Multi-Source Reasoning 多源推理



  1、Email from administrator to research staff

  January 15, 10:46 a.m.

  Yesterday was the deadline for our receipt of completed surveys from doctors who were invited to participate in the Medical Practice Priorities Survey. Did we get enough returns from this original group of invitees to get reliable statistics? Do we need to invite additional participants?

  2、 Email from project coordinator in response to the administrator’s January 15, 10:46 a.m. message

  January 15, 11:12 a.m.

  Altogether we got exactly 350 actual survey completions. We need at least 700 and were hoping for even more, so we plan to invite a second group to participate. Both the results from this first group and other research indicates that with this type of survey and this type of participants there is about a 40 percent probability that any given invitee will submit the completed survey in the time we’ll allow. (Obviously that doesn’t mean that if we invited 1,000 we’d necessarily get at least 400, so we need to think in terms of the risks of getting too few returns or exceeding the budget.) All of the participants who submitted their surveys by the deadline will get the $50 payment we promised. What is our total budget for compensation to participants?

  3、Email from administrator to project coordinator in response to the project coordinator’s January 15, 11:12 a.m. message

  January 15, 1:54 p.m.

  The budget we allocated for compensation to those who complete and submit the Medical Practice Priorities Survey is $45,000. We will honor our commitment to pay $50 to each participant—in the second group as well as the first—who completes the survey and submits it by the deadline we specify when we invite them to participate. However, we will need to try not to exceed the total amount that is budgeted for this purpose.

  Consider each of the following statements. Does the information in the three emails support the inference as stated?

  The administrator is unwilling to invite as many participants in the second group as were invited in the first group.  Yes No

  The project coordinator does not expect to be able to meet the goal for numbers of completed surveys received.

  Yes No

  The administrator is willing to accept some risk of exceeding the budget for compensating participants.

  Yes No


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