面试的形式 面试的形式大体上可以分为两类,机器面试以及人工面试;面试的时间也包括网申递交之前和网申递交之后。 一、机器面试 1、介绍 机器面试其实就是录面试视频,有通过面试系统比如Kira Talent 和RIVS录制面试视频,也有在任意视频网站上录好之后提供链接。Kira Talent这种第三方面试系统属于较为常见的面试形式。 2、面试过程 以下以华盛顿圣路易斯欧林商学院Master of Science in Business Analytics为例,介绍一下这个面试过程。 (1)面试准备 当在网申中填完推荐信人信息并且保存申请之后,申请邮箱中会收到面试邮件。 点击邮件中的面试链接Check In, 进入面试系统说明页面,了解清楚之后再开始面试。 (2)面试环节 面试超好步是测试环节,包括摄像头、话筒和网速,确保视频的顺利录制。 第二步是练习环节,可以无限次数练习,每次给出2道题目,准备30秒,答题45秒。 第三步是正式面试,总共7道题,6道口语,1道写作。口语题还是准备30秒,答题45秒, 写作5分钟。
我们有学生面试题目如下: 1. One place in St. Louis that you are excited to visit. 2. Why Olin? 3. Share three words that best describe you. Explain why you chose those words. 4. If you could have a super hero power, what would it be and why? 5. Share interesting things about you that others may not know? 6. What makes you a competitive candidate? 7. You have been offered an opportunity to interview for an internship with a company that is on your target list. The interview is on Wednesday at 10 AM on the north side of town. On Tuesday, you receive an offer from your top choice company to interview on the same day at 11 AM. The companies are 45 minutes apart by car. This is your dream opportunity; however, you have already made a commitment to the other company. What do you do?