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时间:2024-08-26 16:26:20 来源:互联网 责编:editor 在线咨询

  Topic 1


  The reading and listening passages debate the pros and cons of the practice of salvage logging. The reading material outlines (provides) its three major benefits, which are contradicted by the following lecture.

  First, the reading passage claims that salvage logging provides spaces for forest growth. However, the speaker claims that salvage logging makes the soil less nutritious because damaged trees can provide nutrition for the soil after they decay. This practically refutes the reading’s claim.

  Secondly, the reading passage argues that salvage logging controls harmful insects, for instance, spruce beetles. However, the speaker believes that spruce beetles are not harmful. And he argues that salvage logging reduces the numbers of beneficial species.

  Finally, the reading claims that salvage logging provides economical benefits. Two reasons are provided. For one thing, it helps local companies to reduce losses by recycling damaged trees. Second, it provides job opportunities to local people. However, the speaker believes that this is not the case. For one thing, salvage logging needs very expensive transportation, e.g. helicopters. For another thing, salvage logging needs skillful workers, who do not come from the local community.

  Topic 3


  The reading and listening passages have a conflict of opinion about the proposal of a four-day workweek for eighty percent of salary. The reading passage points out its three benefits, which are contradicted by the following lecture.

  First, the reading passage believes that the plan will increase company’s profits because hiring more employees will not increase company’s costs. However, the speaker believes that this is not the case. For one thing, more employees mean more training costs and medical benefits. For another thing, companies will have to spend more on office spaces and computers.

  Second, the reading passage argues that the plan will reduce unemployment rate because if employees work fewer hours, companies will have to employ more people. Yet, the speaker holds the opposite opinion. He argues that companies will ask employees to work overtime or raise work expectations instead of hiring more.

  Finally, the reading passage points out the plan will improve the quality of lives of employees. However, the speaker believes that this is not the case because employees will be more likely to lose their jobs and less likely to be promoted to higher positions.

  Topic 12


  The reading and listening materials debate whether Marco Polo had visited China. The reading holds that the Venetian had never actually set his feet on China, providing three facts, which are contradicted by the following lecture.

  Firstly, the reading points out that Marco Polo never used any Chinese or Mongolian place names in his book but instead only Persian names. And these Persian names are the same as those used by a Persian historian. However, the speaker defends the credibility of Marco Polo by saying that the Persian was the official language of trade between Asia and Europe in the 13th and 14th century. Therefore, it was normal for Marco Polo to borrow names of the Persian origin.

  Secondly, the reading argues that Marco Polo failed to record popular Chinese customs in his book, for instance, tea-drinking and tea-houses. However, the speaker points out that Marco Polo stayed mainly in Northern China, where people had not yet acquired the love of tea-drinking. Therefore, it was natural for Marco Polo to not include this cultural practice in his famous book.

  Thirdly, the reading tries to debunk the Marco Polo myth by citing the fact that there is no official record proving Marco had served at the Mongolian court. However, the speaker argues that the records concerning Marco did not use his real name and perhaps the records simply got lost.

  The reading passage explores the issue of......The professor lecture deals with the same issue, however, he/she thinks......,which contradicts what the reading states.


  First, even though the reading passage suggests that......,the professor argues in the lecture that...+具体例子或是其他points

  Moreover, contrary to the statement in the reading that......, the professor contends that...+具体例子或是其他points

  Finally, the professor asserts that......whereas the author of the reading claims that......+具体例子或是其他points

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